Please enter the required information in the below form to submit a request to reserve the Sunnybrook Fellowship Hall. Please check the online Sunnybrook Calendar to ensure the dates and times you are requesting are available before submitting your reservation request. All required information below must be entered to process your request. Please ensure you receive a message once you have completed the application confirming your request was submitted correctly. You should receive confirmation of approval or disapproval of your request within 3 days. If you do not receive confirmation of your request within 3 days, please contact for information and reference your request for reservation. Once you have received your email confirmation of approval, YOUR NOT DONE! You must submit the required fees if applicable to church administration before your reservation will be confirmed.
Please note approval/disapproval of your request for reservation is at the Church Administration’s discretion.
Sunnybrook Citizens:
- Citizens of Sunnybrook that regularly attend church services may request a reservation. The below Request for Reservation and Application for Use of the Fellowship Hall must be completed and submitted via our website to church administration/program coordinator for approval for scheduling. Approval from church administration is required prior to your reservation confirmation and scheduling.
- The reserving applicant (Sunnybrook Citizen) will be charged for janitorial services if the fellowship hall, church building, or contents are not left in satisfactory condition upon their departure. The reserving applicant will also be responsible for replacement or repair costs for any damage incurred to the fellowship hall, church building, or its contents.
Non-Citizens (Non-Attendees):
- Non-citizens or non-attendees of Sunnybrook may only reserve the fellowship hall through sponsorship by a Sunnybrook Citizen and regular attendee (at the discretion of church administration). Reservation Requests by non-citizens cannot be made more than three months in advance. All reservation requests must be made through the Sunnybrook website.
- A fee of $50.00 is due when the reservation request is made and the below Request for Reservation and Application for Use of the Fellowship Hall must be completed and submitted via our website to church administration for approval. Unpaid fees will result in forfeiture of the reservation. In the case of cancellation, the return of the fellowship hall fee is at the discretion of the administration. This fee must be paid upon conformation of the reservation of the fellowship hall.
- Any member sponsoring a guest or reserving the hall for personal use will be responsible for the following:
- Obtaining and returning keys/codes to the facility;
- Unlocking the facility for the guest;
- Locking the building following the function;
- Turning off all lights, appliances, heaters, etc;
- Ensuring that the facility is left in proper order;
- Remaining present throughout the function; and,
- Maintaining overall responsibility for the guests and their actions.
- The type of activities and group conduct must be consistent with the beliefs and principles of Sunnybrook Church. Accordingly, the use of drugs or their paraphernalia, and the use of alcoholic beverages on church property is strictly prohibited. Smoking is prohibited inside the church building and only permitted in designated areas outside the building.
- In the event of calendar conflicts, church activities take precedence.
- All decorations shall be temporary (no nails, push pins, staples, tape, etc.). No decorations shall be attached to the walls or window treatments. Set up and take down of the furniture is the responsibility of the reserving party. All furniture should be returned to its original place before leaving.
- The kitchen equipment, dishes, cookware, and washable utensils are available for use. Use of church provided plastic ware, disposable utensils, paper plates, towels, napkins, and cups etc. is prohibited.
- The reserving applicant (Sunnybrook Citizen) will be charged for replacement or repair costs for any damage incurred to the fellowship hall, church building, or its contents.
- Sunnybrook Church is not responsible for any accidents, injuries, illnesses, electrical and/or equipment failure that might occur during your event. By submitting the Request for Reservation and Application for Use of the Fellowship Hall, you release Sunnybrook Church from any such claims.
- Use and entry of church offices, sanctuary, classrooms, sound booth, and other areas of the church is not included in this request for reservation and is prohibited. Use of the audio/visual equipment and computers is strictly prohibited. If your event requires audio visual equipment, you must provide it.
Application for Use and Request for Reservation Form